Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix Treatment At DezireClinic | Dr. Prashant Yadav
Hair loss has become very significant issue in life of many people. There are lot of treatments which causes hair loss such as scalp infection, thyroid disease, stress, heart problems, depression, arthritis, high blood pressure etc. By the age of 30 nearly 45 % men suffer from hair loss and by age of 60 nearly 65% men suffer from hair loss. This is data is nearly same for women also.
Some people try their natural remedies for reducing their hairfall while some people shave or trim their hair. There are very less people who consult a doctor for their hair loss. The best solution of your hair loss can be provided by your doctor only because they are definitely see your problem and prescribe you the treatment for it.One of the most effective treatments for hair fall is Platelet rich fibrin matrix (PRFM). It is the latest invention in hair fall treatment.
What is PRFM?
PRFM is a treatment in cosmetic surgery in which the platelets are being extracted from the blood of the patient and it is being concentrated into a matrix which is being injected into the scalp of patient.
How the process of PRFM treatment is carried out?
PRFM treatment is done under local anaesthesia and it is completed within 30 minutes only. In the first step blood is withdrawn from the patient and it is centrifuged. After that in centrifuge machine platelets are being separated from it. After separating the patients platelets they are concentrated into a matrix. At last by giving local anaesthesia they are being injected into the bald part of the scalp. This process induces proliferation of the cells and re-growth of the hair.
Is there any side effects of PRFM treatment?
As this process takes blood from the own patient therefore it doesn’t have any side effects. Only mild pain, irritation, bruising at injection site is seen which is temporary and it resolves with time.
If you are looking to get your PRFM treatment then come to any branch of Dezire clinic located in Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune and Bangalore. This clinic is headed by our expert surgeon Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M,CH) M.S. (General Surgery) & M.Ch. in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He is the chief Operating Surgeon is a renowned and reputed cosmetic surgeon of International class with practical, authentic and extensive experience and proficiency in this thrilling field. He will provide you the best quality of service at an affordable cost. For more information call us at +9222122122 or mail us at
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