Dr Prashant Yadav (DR PRASHANT)
2 min readNov 10, 2020


Male Chest Fat Removal — DezireClinic

Male chest fat removal is needed in men and boys whose chest appears bigger than the normal. Male chest fat is mainly seen during three stages of life newborn, puberty and during adolescence. This condition is caused due to hormonal imbalance between the estrogen and testosterone hormone.

This is known also known as Gynecomastia, male breast, man boobs. The person having male chest fat feel embarrassed because of his chest appearance and he is not able to wear fit clothes and sometimes he is also having pain due to this

How male chest fat removal is done?

Weight loss cannot be effective for removing male chest fat, but because of the presence of glands, male chest is seen even in lean patients also. Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) at Dezire clinic performs this procedure using worlds latest and advance technique of liposuction which is 4D HI-DEF VASER Liposuction.

Male chest fat removal is the only option to correct it. This procedure is mainly done under local or general anaesthesia. In this procedure small incision is being made on each side of chest. Tumescent solution is being infiltered in the area for breaking the tough fibrous tissue, liposuction is being done for removing the fat from the chest. At last, by enlarging the same incision glands are being removed.

What is the recovery time for male chest fat removal?

After 3–4 hours of the surgery you will be discharged. Immediately after male breast reduction you will notice the change in your chest. Dressing will be changes after 2 days of the surgery and you have to come for suture removal after 14 days.

What precautions you have to take after your male chest fat removal?

· You have to take medicines for 7 days.

· After 2 days you have to come for dressing.

· After dressing you have to do regular massages with coconut oil.

· Avoid driving for first 24 hours of surgery and smoking and alcohol for one week

· Avoid doing any heavy activities for 2–3 days of surgery.

Is there any side effect of this surgery?

There are no side effects of this procedure initially only some mild side effects are seen such as swelling, bruisness, pain and redness. You will be given antibiotics for countering these side effects.

If you are also looking for male chest fat removal then visit Dezire clinic located in Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune and Bangalore. This clinic is headed by expert surgeon Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) who is skilled, qualified and experienced surgeon. He has got training in Liposuction and uses world’s most recent and advance technique of liposuction which is 4D VASER HI-DEF liposuction. He has an experience of more than 10 years in this field and has given maximum satisfying result. For some more information call on +9222122122 or mail us at dezireclinicindia@gmail.com

