Male breasts are no more to bother you, get Gynecomastia surgery
Gynecomastia is also called as Gyno and this has affected almost one third of males during their puberty and adolescence. The reason for Gynecomastia is imbalance between the level of estrogen and androgen hormone. In case of Gynecomastia the level of estrogen hormone is increased as compared to the level of testosterone hormone. Males affected with Gynecomastiasuffer from low self confidence because they are always conscious about the visibility of their breast. Moreover, they have to face lots of problems such as they cannot wear t-shirts, go to social gathering or some parties where they are required to take off their shirt or t-shirts. Gyno removal surgery is the best option for you if you want to reduce their breast size. In Gyno removal surgery fat is removed and the glands are also removed so that the chance of its recurrence can be prevented.
What are the causes of Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is caused due to imbalance between the testosterone and estrogen hormone in males which causes the growth of breast tissue in males. Estrogen causes the growth of the breast tissue while testosterone has inhibitory effect on breast tissue it stops the growth of breast tissue. In male breast enlargement the level of male hormone testosterone is decreased as compared to estrogen. Gynecomastia may affect one breasts or it may affect both breasts.
How Gynecomastia surgery is done?
Gynecomastia surgery is done under local or general anaesthesia depending on the type, grade and condition of the patient. The first step in Gynecomastia surgery marking of the chest area from where fats and glands are to be removed and in the next step of Gynecomastia surgery is making of a puncture hole which is made below the nipple area, and then tumescent solution is infiltered with the help of a thin metal cannula. Cannula is connected to the drain pipes which collect the emulsified fat and VASER probe is inserted for breaking all the dense fat which giving proper shape to the chest region. The last step of Gynecomastia surgery is excision of the glandular tissue to prevent the chance of recurrence.
What are the instructions you have to follow after Gynecomastia surgery?
You must want to know what will happen to you post Gynecomastia surgery. Post Gynecomastia surgery you have to follow some instructions such as you have avoid doing any heavy works for some days or lifting heavy objects. You also have to avoid alcohol, smoke and driving for some days. You will have some swelling, bruising, pain, for some days post Gynecomastia surgery, and you will be given medicines for countering the side effects of the surgery.
If you are looking for a Gyno surgeon visit Dezire Clinic , this clinic is headed by Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) he is an Indian Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon as well as member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and Pune Association of Plastic Surgeons. He is the best gyno surgeon and he has done over more than four thousand surgeries of Gynecomastia. He is dedicated in providing the highest quality cosmetic surgery in a friendly, private setting at an affordable price. Dezire clinic uses the worlds most recent and advance technique of liposuction which is hi-def VASER liposuction which removes fat and give a proper sculpted shape to the chest region. If you are also looking to get rid of your gyno you must visit Dezire clinic. For more details contact on +91 9222122122.