Dr Prashant Yadav (DR PRASHANT)
2 min readJul 3, 2020

Male Breast Reduction surgery in Pune

Male breast is also known as Gynecomastia. This condition is mainly seen at the time of puberty and sometimes it also persists till adolescence, during puberty male breast treatment is not needed as in some case it dissolves on its own within one to two year. If it doesn’t dissolve and persist till adolescence then its treatment is definitely needed which is surgery.

What are the causes of Male Breast?

Increase in level of estrogen hormone in males as compared to the level of testosterone hormone in males is the main cause of Gynecomastia. Some other Gynecomastia causes are obesity, alcohol intake, thyroid abnormality, liver disease etc.

How Male breast reduction surgery is done?

Male breast reduction surgery is done under local or general anaesthesia with sedation and completed within 45 mins to one hour.

· Local or general anaesthesia is given to numb the chest region

· During the procedure, incisions are made around the edge of areola

· With liposuction, the fat is liquefied and removed by negative suction pressure to give a proper sculpted shape to the chest like a normal man.

· The breast glands are also removed so that it can never come back.

· After tissue excision, the incision are closed and sutured

· Bandage and compression garments are placed

What will you notice after your breast reduction surgery?

After your surgery, you will see an immediate improvement in shape and appearance of your chest. Initially, you may have mild pain for some days and you will be told to wear compression garments, this will help your chest to heal. After 1 to 3 months, you will see the complete result of the surgery.

Male breast reduction surgery in Pune

If you are looking for male breast reduction surgery in Pune then you must visit Dezire clinic Pune. At Dezire clinic, you can schedule your appointment with our senior surgeon Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S., MC.H.) to get a clear picture of what you expect and what could be the possible result. Dr Prashant Yadav will clinically examine your chest, assess the type and grade of Gynecomastia, gives the technical details of the procedure. At Dezire clinic world’s most latest and advance technique is used for liposuction which is 4D hi-def VASER liposuction is used which not only removes fat but also gives a proper contour to the body

Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) will listen to your needs, expectations and your desired outcome from the Gynecomastia reduction surgery. For more information call on +91922122122 or mail at dezireclinicindia@gmail.com

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