Dr Prashant Yadav (DR PRASHANT)
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

Gynecomastia treatment Result !! Dr. Prashant Yadav

Gynecomastia is derived from the Greek word gyne means women and mastos means breasts. The prevalence of Gynecomastia in India is reported to be 40 to 60 percent. Gyneomastia usually caused due to hormonal changes which occurs during puberty. Gynecomastia causes increase in size of the male chest fat which looks like that their breasts is enlarged. The male affected with Gynecomastia feel very embarrassed when they have to face any situation in which there chest fat becomes visible.

What are the grades of Gynecomastia?

· Grade 1: Nipples appears to be puffy and pointed in outwards direction.

· Grade 2: Glandular tissue is present which makes the nipples and the region around the nipple to look soft

· Grade 3: Sagging of the chest skin and the nipples begin to droop downwards.

· Grade 4: Sagging of the chest skin and surgery is needed to remove gland along with fat.

· Grade 5: Chest looks like women breast and the folds of the skin become visible.

· Grade 6: Degree of sagginess increases and skin fold become more prominent and can be seen till armpits.

· Grade 7: Swaying of breasts occur due to sagging of breast tissue

How Gynecomastia surgery is done?

Gynecomastia surgery is done under local or general anesthesia and it is done under the following steps:

· First all the areas are marked from where the fat are to be removed.

· A puncture hole was made below the nipple area

· Then tumescent solution is infiltered through a thin metal cannula

· Cannula is connected to the drain pipes which collects the emulsified fat

· Vaser probe is inserted for breaking all the dense fat which giving proper shape to the chest region.

· Then all the glandular tissues are excised.

Is there any restriction after Gynecomastia surgery?

After Gynecomastia surgery you have to follow some instructions such as you have avoid doing any heavy works or lifting heavy objects for some days. You also have to avoid alcohol, smoke and driving for some days. You have to take medicines regularly for 7 days as prescribed by your doctor.

Gynecomastia treatment result

As there are no major side effects in Gynecomastia surgery, it has only got some minor side effects such as such as pain, redness, bruising, swelling and discomfort only till one week of the surgery. Gynecomastia treatment results of Dezire clinic are very definite and satisfying. At Dezire clinic all the patients are very happy after seeing their results. You can check our Gynecomastia treatment result at our website dezireclinic.in or you can also visit our You Tube channel.

Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) who is the director of Dezire clinic is a Gynecomastia specialist and he has done lots of successful cases of Gynecomastia at an affordable cost. For more information call us on 9222122122 or mail at dezireclinicindia@gmail.com

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