Dr Prashant Yadav (DR PRASHANT)
3 min readOct 2, 2020

Sometimes men develop enlargement of breast tissue which is known as Gynecomastia. This condition can cause public embarrassment and awkwardness in general, and it has affected 40 to 60 percent of men. Gynecomastia is mostly seen in both side of the chest but in some cases it can be seen in one side only.

Why Gynecomastia or male breast is formed?

Gynecomastia is formed due to the hormonal imbalance between the level of estrogen and testosterone hormone, in Gynecomastia the level of estrogen hormone is increased as compared to testosterone hormone. While there are certain drugs like steroids or some medical disorders obesity which can lead to Gynecomastia.

Is there a cure for Gynecomastia?

Surgically reducing and reshaping of the chest is the best solution for Gynecomastia. In this procedure the entire fat and glandular tissue is removed from the breast which gives a flat and firm chest with masculine body shape. The procedure is done under local or general anaesthesia and it is completed within 1 to 1.5 hours depending on the type and grade of Gynecomastia and the condition of patient.

Dr. Prashnat Yadav ( M.S, M.CH) at Dezire clinic performs Gynecomastia male breast surgery using worlds latest and advance technique of liposuction which is 4D HI-DEF VASER Liposuction.

Gynecomastia male breast surgery is mainly done under local or general anaesthesia. In this procedure small incision is being made on each side of chest. Tumesent solution is being infiltered in the area for breaking the tough fibrous tissue, VASER liposuction is being done for removing the fat from the chest. At last, by enlarging the same incision glands are being removed.

How long does it take to recover from Gynecomastia male breast reduction surgery?

Immediately after the surgery you will see the improvement in your chest region. You are only advised to do rest for 2- 3 days after surgery. After 2–3 days of the surgery you can do your normal activities. You have to avoid any vigorous activity till one month of the surgery. After 14 days of surgery sutures will be removed.

If you are also looking for Gynecomastia male breast reduction surgery then visit Dezire clinic located in Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune and Bangalore. This clinic is headed by expert surgeon Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) who is skilled, qualified and experienced surgeon. He has got training in Liposuction and uses world’s most recent and advance technique of liposuction which is 4D VASER HI-DEF liposuction. He has an experience of more than 10 years in this field and has given maximum satisfying result. For some more information call on +9222122122 or mail us at dezireclinicindia@gmail.com

What should I expect after the procedure?

As with all cosmetic surgery procedures, healing and final results vary from individual to individual. A custom-made compression garment will be worn continuously for two weeks, and for several weeks longer at night. Patients may return to work after three to five days. Light aerobic activity may begin approximately 7 days following surgery, and more strenuous exercise is begun at three weeks.

How much does treatment for Gynecomastia cost?

We understand that the cost of surgery is an important factor for our patients, and may determine whether they can afford to have this procedure. This is why we make every effort to offer the best price possible, taking into account the needs of the individual. Naturally, as each patient has different degrees of Gynecomastia severity, we perform a clinical assessment that gives a precise idea of the amount of fat and gland tissue that needs to be removed. This also allows us to provide you with an accurate and best price offer for your procedure.

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