Dr Prashant Yadav (DR PRASHANT)
3 min readNov 2, 2019

Cover your baldness with Hair transplant

With time people are becoming very much conscious about their looks; in terms of aesthetics the role of hair is very important. Hairs always enhance the look of the person if someone doesn’t have hair this can be very disturbing for that person. There is no other possible treatment which can get back the lost hair apart from hair transplant. Due to this the hair transplant procedures is increasing every day. Due to the advanced technique, improved result more and more people are opting towards the procedure of hair transplant. Lot of men and women are opting towards the hair transplant surgery. As this process is very much effective therefore it is very much possible to restore the lost hair. Today, no one can differentiate between the original hair and transplant hair, even the hair stylish or barbers.

Hair Transplant:

Hair transplant is a surgical technique which involves transplantation of hair follicles from one part of the head to another where there is thin hairline. In the process of hair transplant, the hair follicles are taken from the donor area of the scalp and then they are transplanted to the recipient site. Hair transplant is usually done in a single day depending on the number of grafts and it takes 6 to 10 hours approximately.

How hair transplant surgery is done?

Hair transplant procedure takes approximately 6 to 10 hours to complete. This procedure is done under local anaesthesia and it does not require a hospital stay. Patients are generally awake during this procedure and they only experience mild pain during the procedure. In the process of hair transplant surgery, hair follicles are extracted from the back and side of the scalp. Hair follicles are carefully planted to the thin or bald area of the scalp at an exact angle, depth and direction of the existing follicles which gives the appearance of a natural feather like hairline.

The most recent and advanced technique of hair transplant surgery is FUE (follicular unit extraction) technique which is risk free and very well tolerated by the patient. In FUE technique a small crust will be formed on each side of the graft which is called as scabs and they will shed in 2 weeks and the transplanted hair will start to grow naturally within 10 to 16 months of the procedure and will continue growing for rest of the life.

After hair transplant care:

Recovery after hair transplant is very easy, you will be given pain killers for minimizing pain and discomfort. There will be no cuts and stitches on your scalp and you will be given painkillers to reduce the pain and discomfort after hair transplantation. After 24 hours of hair transplant a small crust is formed on each site of the graft known as scab which will fall within 2 weeks. The hair transplanted will shed within 6 to 12 weeks and then the new hair will begin to grow and around 2 weeks after the procedure. You may have a little bit of swelling in your forehead after few days of the procedure. There will be no restriction to your food and activity after the procedure.

Hair transplant price:

Hair transplant price varies from patient to patient; hair transplant price depends on the degree of baldness in frontal, temporal, mid-scalp and vertex region, area with potential of baldness and the safety of the donor area

After knowing all these if you are looking for famous hair transplant you must visit any branch of Dezire clinic for your hair transplantation. This clinic uses the recent technique of hair transplantation which is MAX FUE technique which gives very effective results and gives the appearance of natural density of hair. This clinic is headed by Dr. Prashant Yadav ( M.S, M.CH) he is an Indian Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon as well as a member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and Pune Association of Plastic Surgeons. He is dedicated in providing the highest quality cosmetic surgery in a friendly, private setting at an affordable price. To book an appointment kindly call us on 0922122122 or mail us dezireclinicindia@gmail.com

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