Break Your Love Handles With liposuction

Dr Prashant Yadav (DR PRASHANT)
3 min readNov 29, 2019

When you hear the term “love handles” you must be thinking that there must be something romantic but actually there is nothing romantic in it. Love handles are caused due to excessive amount of fat which is deposited around your waist area. Love handles are not good for you; it can be dangerous for your health also.

How liposuction of love handles are done?

There are techniques most commonly used to target belly fat in the liposuction procedure. They are tumescent liposuction and ultrasound-assisted liposuction.

Tumescent liposuction- In the first step of this procedure, the cut is made into the skin from where the fats are to be removed. Fat is removed by expanding and injecting large amount of tumescent fluid in it. Tumescent fluid contains anaesthetic and epinephrine drug which reduces pain and prevent blood loss.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction- In this liposuction technique the tip of the cannula creates ultrasonic waves which liquefies fat before it is suctioned. This process is effective in targeting the fatty deposits which are fibrous.

In liposuction of love handles, first local anaesthesia is given for numbing the area and patient is told to remain coherent throughout the procedure. Then tiny incision are placed along the sides of the bellies after that doctor insert the cannula and sculpt and trim your sides. VASER melts the fat gently under the skin and it encourages the tightening of the skin. VASER has got the capacity of melting the dense fat in the stomach. Cannula is moved in the targeted area to take out the melted fat with precisely which gives less pain, bruising and downtime.

What are the advantages of VASER liposuction in treatment of love handles?

VASER liposuction is very safe and effective procedure which reduces love handles and the extra fat which is deposited. Once the fat cells of the body are removed the body has the capacity of making the new cells. With VASER this technique only takes one to two hours to complete, and there is minimum pain associated with the procedure and the chances of formation of scars.

What are the post-op side effects of love handles liposuction?

As VASER is very safe procedure, it uses refined instrument for performing the surgery. The side effects of the procedure are minimum without any discomfort or soreness. This surgery does not give any stitches and the tiny wounds heal within two days after the surgery. You may have mild discomfort and some light bruises after the surgery, after which they can walk and go back to their normal activities within 24 to 48 hours. You will be given compression garment which you have to wear for minimum 8 hours for 2 weeks. Within few weeks of the surgery you will be able to see the good result of the surgery. This surgery involves minimum to low pain.

What is cost of Liposuction of Love Handles?

Liposuction of love handles cost depends upon the amount of fat that needs to be removed depending on the age and skin tone of the patient. Hence, it varies from patient to patient. Please make a visit to one of Dezire clinics located at Pune, Bangalore, Delhi or Gurgaon. Upon your personalised consultation with Dr Prashant Yadav, he will discuss your expectations and examine you and suggest the procedure that’s right for you and the cost it takes to have that procedure done. This clinic is headed by the expert surgeon Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) .He is an Indian Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon as well as member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and Pune Association of Plastic Surgeons. He is dedicated to providing the highest quality cosmetic surgery in a friendly, private setting at an affordable price and respected by his patients because of his excellent reputation and honesty. For more details call us on +91 9222122122.



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